Cherokee Ah-100 Manual
Nov 08, 2012 Cherokee AH-100 AM SSB Channels. Cherokee ah100 schematic, cherokee ah 100 manual, cherokee ah-100 portable cb radio, cherokee ah 100. Roxio Creator Nxt Pro 2013 Serial Number. CHEROKEE AH-100 AM/SSB Handheld 40 Channel CB Radio Transceiver 2 Batteries - $380.00. Offered is this vintage Cherokee AH-100 AM/SSB 40.
AH50 Cherokee AH-50 Cherokee had a brief but bright moment on the American ham radio and CB scenes, back in the nineties. They were mostly known for their excellent CB radio gear, including the AH-100, one of the only SSB capable CB walkie talkies ever made. Cherokee featured a line of full sized handheld radios which were marketed in the USA by Wireless Marketing Corp of Illinois.
These radios were the AH-27 (CB), AH-27f (CB with frequency display), AH-100 (SSB CB), and the AH-50 (6 meter) which happens to be the model described here. There are also rumors of a ten meter version, and numerous mods on the web showing how to convert a CB model to 10 meter (including up to 400 channels of coverage). There were additionally some CB base stations and mobiles sold under the Cherokee name.
All of these radios were produced in Korea, to be marketed in America. These radios were marketed by Wireless Marketing Corp. This company was started by former Cobra Electronics marketing and sales vice president Doug Marrison. His connections with Cobra marketing allowed him access to the same suppliers and manufactures which made the Cobra radios, and supplied so many other American retailers. Upon its introduction in 1995, the AH-50 was promoted as the smallest 6 meter radio made. This distinction, if true, did not last long, as a number of small light VHF radios were soon to be introduced by the major electronics companies. The radio itself, separated from its battery, is quite small, being similar in size to the tiny Radio Shack, and units.
Had the AH-50 been designed with a small battery compartment, as was possible, it could have been made quite small. The large battery pack is a consequence of the desire to have the radio put out a reasonable amount of power (5 watts, with a 1 watt low power setting), and have the flexibility of rechargeable packs, and long battery life. So the path was taken of producing a full sized full featured radio. Still, the AH-50 remains a unique radio. The 6 meter AH-50 covers the 50 - 54 MHz band, in 5 or 10 KHz steps. This is an FM only radio, and is capable of duplex operation, and tone generation for repeater use. There are only five memories available; but sadly, this is more than enough in most areas.
Six meter repeaters are not exactly common. Repeater split settings are limited to plus or minus 1 MHz and 500 KHz.
The newer SF model AH-50 can select splits in 100 KHz steps. A selection of sub-audible tones are available, for transmit or receive. There is no way I have discovered of manually setting the repeater split to any other settings, but the included settings are standard in most areas. The front display is of the LCD type, typical of the era. It displays frequency, transmit or receive power levels (using a 15 segment S/RF display), transmit power setting, and current memory information. It also indicates tone, and offset, during repeater operation. The display can be lit by depressing the lamp button on the side of the unit.