Sap Error Stock Data Of Serial Number Not Suitable For Movement
This document is aimed at explaining the basics around the Serial number functionality with specific reference to Discrete Production/Goods Movements. The base reference used in sharing the information is ERP 6.0 with Enhancement Package5. 1997 Lincoln Town Car Service Manual. Even though the aim is to serve as a generic document the contents/ behaviour observed may change to a small degree depending on the SAP Release/Version used by the person concerned (because of the continuous developments over the releases). Control of Goods movements with Serialised materials according to what is called as serialising procedures in SAP is not common in forum discussions and a small attempt has been made to explain the same with illustrations based on various configuration settings in this document. Sly Cooper 5. Sampurna Ramayan In Hindi Ramanand Sagar Free Download. Introduction: The SAP Serial number functionality allows us to manage serialized stock keeping. Serial number is a numeric or alpha-numeric number given to an individual item of a material in addition to the material number and differentiates the item from all other items of the material.
Materials can be tracked across business streams like Sales Order taking through Production through Quality through Purchasing and Material movements through Handling Units through the Customer deliveries with what is called as a Serialisation Procedure. Say in a MTO scenario the starting point of serialisation may be from a Sales order which can be referenced over to a production order and then given back at the time of Sales delivery may be through a handling unit usage also for instance. And in case of a MTS scenario the starting trigger can be from a production order and carried over to other streams inclusive of Quality management through Delivery against a Sales order for instance. Normally 11 Serialisation Procedures are made available in the Standard. Business Stream Number Serialising Procedure Description Production 1 PPAU Serial numbers in PP order 2 PPRL PP order release 3 PPSF Serial numbers in Repetitive Manufacturing Quality Management 4 QMSL Maintain Inspection lot Inventory/Goods Movements 5 MMSL Maintain Goods Receipt and Issue doc.