How To Install Duraflash Vinyl Deck Flashing Tape
Corner posts = long open cavity more chances for water to get behind flashing. Your home like many has no drainage plane. Clock Software Free Download. At least wrap the corners since you're in there and ice and water shield the flashing. The advent of Wood I joists and the ocassional practice of banding them with OSB (round when your house was built) highlighted the danger of bolting a ledger to a cantilevered band board that is not only unsupported by nailed in to splitting ends of wood I joist top and bottom flanges. That detail is far less dangerous on a 2x floor but no longer allowed by code inspectors paying attention. Superpro Designer Free Download Crack Windows on this page.

Just cantilever the deck to the housd over a beam installed on footings outside the original overdig. You can still flash and bolt it to the house. Oh and seal the corner post tops. You can remove the foam from your belly pan and stuff it in there. Corner posts = long open cavity more chances for water to get behind flashing. Your home like many has no drainage plane.
At least wrap the corners since you're in there and ice and water shield the flashing. The advent of Wood I joists and the ocassional practice of banding them with OSB (round when your house was built) highlighted the danger of bolting a ledger to a cantilevered band board that is not only unsupported by nailed in to splitting ends of wood I joist top and bottom flanges. Frank Gambale Technique Book Ii Pdf on this page. That detail is far less dangerous on a 2x floor but no longer allowed by code inspectors paying attention.