How To Install A Hunter Thermostat Model 44157
Find the user manual you need for your home appliance products and more at ManualsOnline. Need owners manual for Hunter Programmable Thermostat Model. Hunter Thermostat 44155c Hunter set & save 44155c. I'm trying to install a hunter thermostat, model 44155c i have 5 wires. English models 44155c 44157 the.

• Set & $aveProgrammable ThermostatModels7Form# 1 Hunter Fan Co. • • TABLE OF CONTENTSImportant Information.....
6Uninstalling the Existing Unit.... 7Installing the Thermostat.... 12Installing the Wall Plate....
13Connecting the Wires..... 16Attaching the Thermostat.... • Set & SaveProgrammable ThermostatModel 44155CCongratulations!Thank you for choosing a Hunter programmablethermostat. Your new Hunter thermostat willprovide years of reliable service and year-roundenergy savings.Please read this manual before beginninginstallation and save this booklet for completeoperation instructions. • IMPORTANT INFORMATIONThis thermostat is designed to work on the followingheating and cooling systems:Gas – Standing PilotGas – Electronic IgnitionGas – Fired BoilersGas – Milivolt SystemsOil – Fired BoilersOil – Fired FurnaceElectric FurnaceElectric Air ConditioningSingle Stage Heat Pump - No auxilaryThis thermostat is not designed for multi-stage heatpump systems or 110/220 V baseboard heatingsystems.
• TOOLSThis thermostat includes two #8 slotted screwsand two wall anchors for mounting.To install your new thermostat, you will need thefollowing supplies:Flat-head screwdriver...........Small Phillips-head screwdriver...........Hammer...........Electric drill and 3/16” bit. • UNINSTALLING THE EXISTING UNITNOTICE! Do not disconnect thewires from the existing thermostatbefore reading these instructions.The wires must be labeled priorto removal to ensure properreconnection. • WRC Y GRCY GW8 • 1.Turn the system power OFF from the existingthermostat. Turn the power to the HVACsystem OFF at the main power panel or atthe furnace.2.Remove the existing thermostat cover toaccess the wires from the wall.(Some thermostats may have multiple covers, screwsor other locking devices that must be removed ordisengaged.)3.Locate, but do not disconnect the wires.(If wires are not visible, they may be connected to theback of the wall plate. • label the wirewith this sticker:RH / R / VR / 424 VoltRHif your existingthermostat is marked.
• 4.Using the provided stickers, label each wireaccording to the chart.•If the terminals are not labeled, contact a qualifiedHVAC technician.•Note: Wire colors do not always comply withstandards, so wire color should be ignored. Referto the existing terminal designation for properidentification.•*If wires marked Y & C are both present, C maybe a Common wire and should not be used. If youhave a wire marked C, do not connect it to anyterminal. • INSTALLING THE THERMOSTATYWRCG12 • INSTALLING THE WALL PLATE1.Remove the wall plate from the newthermostat by pressing the release tab on thebottom of the thermostat.2.Position the new wall plate on the wall andpull the labeled wires through the opening.3.If the existing holes do not match thoseon the Hunter wall plate, or if there are noexisting holes, visually level the wall plateand mark the wall for two holes. • WRCYG14 • 4.Remove the wall plate and drill two 3/16”holes where marked.5.Tap the plastic anchors into the holes untilthey are flush with the wall.6.Reposition the wall plate on the wall, pullingthe wires through the opening.
Casanova 1987 Download. Insert themounting screws through the wall plate andinto the anchors. Verify that the wall plateis visually level and securely tighten bothscrews. • CONNECTING THE WIRES0Y1BW/RCY/GG RCRHY/0W/BY1Terminal Shield16 • 1.Loosen, but do not remove, the terminalscrews.Note: A jumper wire has been provided, connecting theRC and RH terminals for systems that do not provide bothan RH and RC wire. If you have both an RH and RC wire,remove this jumper. If you do not have both an RH and RCwire, leave the jumper in place.2.