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• Focus stacking software: a post-processing technique that extends the depth of field in your photographs.To use this technique, you take several images of the same scene, focusing your lens on a different part of the object for each shot. Then you can use Helicon Focus to blend all the sharp areas together and produce a completely sharp image. Download Ipadian 2 Untuk Pc more.
• Tethered photography for Canon and Nikon DSLR cameras: automates focus (DoF) bracketing, which allows precise and uniform steps, advanced exposure bracketing and time-lapse shooting—even all these combined if necessary. Tethered photography makes focus stacking more accurate, reproducible, and higher quality than can be achieved with manual shots. • Helicon FB Tube is an extension tube with integrated electronic microcontroller designed to enable automated focus bracketing in single or continuous shooting modes. Helicon FB Tube automatically shifts the focus by one step with each shot thus producing a stack of images of unlimited length that can be rendered into a fully-focused image. • View, manipulate and export 3D models generated by Helicon Focus, plus export parallel and cross-view stereo pairs, different types of anaglyph images, web animations, and even videos.
With focus stacking and Helicon 3D Viewer you can add an extra dimension to your photography without much effort.
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• Serial communication is a term used to describe systems used for telecommunications, as well as certain technologies used for computing. When using serial.
• In music, serialism is a method or technique of composition that uses a series of values to manipulate different musical elements. Serialism began primarily with. • In English language punctuation, a serial comma or series comma (also called an Oxford comma or a Harvard comma) is a comma placed immediately before the coordinating. • How to Listen. You can listen to Serial in many places: right here on our site, on iTunes and other podcast apps, and on Pandora. Season Two is now complete.
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• Homonyms (also called homophones) are words that sound like one another but have different meanings. Some homonyms are spelled the same, like bark (the sound a dog. • The Graduate School of English is to provide quality education at the graduate level in English Language Teaching http://www.gse.au.edu/.