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Introduction: Rapid and accurate determination of platelet count is an important factor in diagnostic medicine. Traditional microscopic methods are labor intensive with variable results and are highly dependent on the individual training. Recent developments in automated peripheral blood differentials using a computerized system have shown many advantages as a viable alternative. The purpose of this paper was to determine the reliability and accuracy of the CellaVision DM 96 system with regards to platelet counts.

Full-text (PDF) The use of automated blood cell counters (automated hematology analyzers) for diagnostic purposes is inextricably linked to clinical laboratories. However, the need for. Ical laboratory accreditation program, a certain level of verification of any new HA has. To be done according to a. Full-text (PDF) We evaluated the new UniCel DxH 800 hematology analyzer (Beckman Coulter, Miami, FL) vs the Cell-Dyn Sapphire (Abbott. In the instrument vs 400-cell manual differential comparison, the DxH 800 and Sapphire showed comparable performance for nearly all parameters except for.
BACKGROUND Rapid and accurate determination of platelet counts is an important factor in diagnostic pathology. Platelet counts are generally performed by automated analyzers using the coulter counter technology. These automated hematology analyzers usually provide accurate platelet counts with generally good precision; however, in some clinical situations interference with the automated count can occur, requiring a manual method of platelet estimation. Install Windows 7 Portege M400 Max more. Situations requiring manual platelet counts include the presence of micro clots, platelet aggregates, platelet satellitism, and red cell fragmentation.[] Recent developments in automated peripheral blood differentials using the computerized systems have allowed platelet estimation by scanning of digitized peripheral blood film images.[] CellaVision DM96 is one such system utilized in the preliminary determination of differential counts on the peripheral blood or body fluid smears. The DM96 system has been shown previously to be valuable in determining leukocyte differentials[–] as well as analyzing RBC morphologies[–] in various clinical settings. The aim of this study was to determine the reliability and accuracy of the CellaVision DM96 system with regards to platelet count determination by comparing CellaVision DM96 platelet count estimates with manual microscopic estimates from the same slides as well as with platelet estimates by an automated analyzer. Install Esxi Software Raid Debian on this page. Automated Analyzer Platelet Counts Automated platelet counts (as part of complete blood counts) were performed utilizing automated hematology analyzers (LH 780 or Unicel DXH 800, Beckman Coulter, Brea, CA).

These analyzers use electrical impedance to determine numbers of various cellular elements. Each cellular component (WBC, RBC or Platelet) generates a channelized pulse that is proportional to its size and volume, which are sorted based on the size to determine final counts for each cellular component. The pulse with a volume between 2-20 fL were considered and counted as platelets. Coulter analyzers will provide “flagging” if abnormal platelet size (i.e., giant platelets or platelet clumping) is encountered, which will then prompt the technologist to review a slide (standard microscopy or utilizing CellaVision DM96 software). Automated slide makers (LH 780 Beckman Coulter Brea, CA) were used to prepare PBS, which was stained with the Wright-Geimsa stain.