
Crate Gxt 212 Manual Meat

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Crate Gxt 212 Manual Meat 7,3/10 9096reviews
Crate Gxt 212 Manual Meatloaf

Find best value and selection for your Crate GX 212 Guitar Amp Amplifier search on eBay. World's leading marketplace.

APM-75N BFX100B BFX15A BFX25A BFX50A BV120H~1 BX-100N BX-160++ BX-25+ BX-440H BX-50+ BX15CA BXH-220 CA112A~1 CA112D~1 CA30A_~1 CA60A_~1 CPM8FX CSM CSM1402A CSM802A DX100HB DX212C DXFCB DXJ112A DXJFCA GFX-12~1 GFX-212A GFX-65A GFX15 GFX20A GFX30A GFX50A GX-120HA GX-140C GX-20M+ GX-30M+ GX15CA GX15RCA GX212CA GX65CA GX900HA KX-100+ KX-50+ KX15CA KX220A LS_SER~1 PA-6N PA-8N PA4CA PA4FXA PA6FXA PA8FXA PCM-6+~1 PCM-8D~1 PFM-65N PFR12A~1 PFRSUBA PX700A PX800A PX900A SM1SPA SM2SRSA SM3PEA SM4CLB SM5HPA SPA140~1 SPA400A TX-30 TX50 VC-508 VC3112~1 (registration required). Great forum, I am looking at many posts, very interesting and amazed at the expert advice given. I've been searching for a Crate BFX100 schematic. Looked through the archives, and links but no go. I usually work mainly on vintage radios, and some musical equipment, however my resources do not cover that amp. I really hate to work blindly, and hopefully I will be able to find either a service manual or the diagram.

Razgovor Sa Bogom Knjiga Pdf Viewer. Sanitary Pipe Fittings Autocad For Mac on this page. I did find the BX100 and was not sure if they shared the same power supply, where I believe the problem is. Any help is greatly appreciated. Download Game Notebook Acer Gratis. Thank you Enzo. I am suspecting the power supply. The unit was given to me, and didn't have a fuse installed. I put in a fuse and upon powerup there was a 1/4 second of hum before the fuse blew.

I deal with PS hum all the time in vintage radios, failed shorted caps or rectifier bridges bad. I'll start with the basics on this amp before attempting another powerup. The BX100 diagram shows a straightforward supply, and if it is similar to the BFX with the effects module) I should have no trouble.

Generally I'd think if the trouble was in someplace other than the PS the unit would still power up but not work right. An immediate shutdown to me might indicate the filter caps, bridge or even the output transistors. An exact diagram would be great if possible, (all the sources online lead to no file) but I'll do the best I can with the other drawing. Thanks for your kind reply sir. Hi Enzo, Ok, I can check the transistors first, then possibly bring it up on the Variac? Maybe I am 'cap shy' due to the hundreds of failed electrolytics I've come across over the years. I know that the other caps should be replaced later on, I was only worried about the 2 filter caps in the power supply for right now.

What I was thinking, 'if' one of those filters is shorted, it might take out a new transistor if I had to replace one or more. If for example there is a shorted or super leaky (electrically) cap, the amp probably wouldn't work.

It will be a couple of weeks before I start in this amp, having to finish up a couple of 30's radios right now. Appreciate the advice, and will report back when I get into the board. During the repairs, 'coarse' setting and tests output stage, the best protection are resistors (or battery resistance) 100-200 Ohm / 100W in a positive and negative side of the power output stage. For a voltage to +/- 60V they limit the current output transistors to a value 0.3 - 0.6A corresponding to dissipation of 20 - 40W, and this value submitted most of the output transistors. When the output stage repaired and quiescent current is set to the desired value, remove protective resistors, readjust quiescent current.

Now output stage is ready to test on the oscilloscope and dummy load for rated power and symmetry sinus. About knowledge language sorry about that vk.

Enzo, I do have a 'dim bulb ' tester for testing for shorts, saved me a lot of times. The first test I give a vintage radio. On the older equipment, it's a given that all paper caps be replaced, such a the Seeburg. I know the BX is not that old, and hopefully the filters are fine.

I suspect all the other caps in the board are fine. I have no history on this amp, (only that is was presented to me without a fuse installed) and was not sure if it was abused or not. Once the power supply is verified as good, (and inspecting the output mosfet transistors) I can do as VintageTiki suggests. I do have an older Tektronix scope, if it come to that point. Vintagetiki, thanks for your tips, copied and saved. Although I have been doing old radios since the mid 70's, the pro music equipment repair is a departure from what I know.

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