Catia Plm Express V6 R2013 Installation
Hello, I am new to Catia V6 (have experience with installing & administering V4 and V5) in small engineering organisation (no database). My goal is to make Catia V6 run (I have bought products: CAT+MEK+PLMExpress) with an installation as thin/simple as possible for the moment.
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I have a full set of V6R2010x DVD's (PLM Express, Enovia Live Collaboration, Enovia3D Live. But these DVD's look like a 'jungle' to me. I can not find a document saying what to install, why, in what order, considerations.
Exploring the DVD's shows it is a jungle of files (including large zip files). I have installed Catia V6 (PLM Express DVD). I have installed Enovia V6 (Enovia Live Collaboration DVD) I have installed Enovia 3D Live (Enovia 3D Live DVD) Question 1: do I need to buy other products to make Catia V6 run (DB2, Oracle, Microsoft SQL, MYSQL?) Or do the Dassault V6 DVD's contain all that is needed to run without buying additional products? Starting Catia (or Enovia) will bring up a 'Connect' panel (obiously to connect to a database). I can not find any documentation on how to setup the actual connection (there are 3 or 4 panels to fill in to make the connection). Question 2: does anyone have a document that he/she wants to share on how to perform a minimal install, and how to perform such install from A to Z?
Vhr Stock Car Setups For Sprint. Thanks for any feedback and sharing your experience. Paul van der Zande. Hello, I have advanced installing V6 (R2010x): SQL Server, PLM Express Enovia Teamserver, Catia V6 client software. Still have major problems getting it to work. In fact, could not start catia once till now.
Have restarted complete install 3 times, but no improvement. What is a 'afternoon walk in the parc' in V4 and V5, is a nightmare in V6.
If anyone has practical experience, please help. I am using R2010x and hotfix/service pack: Machine is a 64-bit Windows 7 machine (for the moment I just try to run server and client on the same machine). Licenses installed: PIX Enovia VPM 3D indexing Configuration XME Catia Mechanical Design CPF Enovia Live Collaboration MSF Enovia Collaboration for Microsoft 1) When logging on to the EnoviaTeamServer (using VPMADM), to assign a license to the user (PLM Express Administration), I am succesful in getting the list of users (VPMADM + demo users). However, the moment I try to assign licenses, or do anything else, I keep getting the error: Java.Lang.NullPointerException. Once this error occurs (99.9% sure to get it), I need to reboot the server to release the licenses and be able to logon again.