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• is a community for discussion around all topics related to headphones and personal audio. If this is your first visit to our community, please familiarize yourself with the all content in this sidebar - as it will make your stay more pleasant. You are also encouraged to check the menu at the top of the screen, containing links for further learning, past discussions, and to a number of audio-friendly subreddits. Before posting, please consider using the search function. A lot of questions have already been answered in the past, often comprehensively. Enjoy your stay! Rules • Be most excellent towards your fellow redditors.
And by 'be most excellent' we mean no personal attacks, threats, bullying, trolling, baiting, flaming, hate speech, racism, sexism, or other behavior that makes humanity look like scum. • Ask for purchase advice in the. Download Game Zoo Empire Free. This includes purchase advice for all gear and peripherals. • Post questions about tech support and general help in the. Low effort questions also go here.
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• Image posts must show functioning/connected gear, and be accompanied by a description or review that adds value to the post. No pictures of unopened boxes!
• We do not allow: affiliate links, links to affiliate farms, pirated content, NSFW/NSFL content, market research, surveys, sweepstakes, giveaways, spam or self promotion. • Selling or buying? Please use • Post loudspeakers and loudspeaker-related content in Additionally, and.
We may further remove posts that are deemed off-topic, or better suited to other subreddits.. What we want to see • Content that facilitates about personal audio.