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General parameters Fog color – Defines the color of the fog when it is illuminate by light sources. You can also use a texture map to drive the fog color.

For more information, see below. Fog distance – Controls the fog density. Larger values make the fog more transparent, while smaller values make it more dense. You can also control the density with a texture map. For more information, see below. Fog emission – Controls the fog emission (self-illumination). You can use this parameter to substitute the ambient illumination inside the fog, instead of using GI.

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For more information, see below. Scatter GI – When on, the fog will also scatter global illumination. Note that this can be quite slow.
In many cases, global illumination within the fog can be substituted with a simple emission term. When this option is on, the currently selected global illumination algorithm in the V-Ray settings will be used to accelerate GI inside the volume (e.g. Scatter bounces – When Scatter GI is enabled, this controls the number of GI bounces that will be calculated inside the fog. For more information, see below.
Fog height – If no atmospheric gizmos are specified, the fog is assumed to start from a certain Z-level height and continue downward indefinitely. This parameter determines the starting point along the Z-axis. If there are atmospheric gizmos listed in the Nodes section, this parameter is ignored. For more information, see below.
Sampling parameters VRayEnvironmentFog can use either of two algorithms to calculate volumetric lighting. The first algorithm is a simple exponential sampling scheme, which is used when there are no texture maps specified.
In this mode, VRayEnvironmentFog takes a number of random points inside the volume and calculates the volumetric lighting at those points. The second algorithm is a raymarching scheme, which is used when any of the volume properties are mapped with a texture. In that case, VRayEnvironmentFog traverses the fog volume in small steps, calculates the volume properties at each step and computes the volume lighting accordingly. For more information, see below.
Exponential sampler – This sampler is used when there are no texture maps specified, in which case the volume properties are the same everywhere. Subdivs – Determines the number of points inside the fog at which volumetric lighting is evaluated. Smaller values for this parameter render faster, but may produce noise in the image. Higher values render longer, but with less noise. Raymarching sampler This sampler is used when any of the fog properties (color, density, or emission) is mapped with a 3D texture. The sampler steps through the volume, evaluating volumetric textures and lighting, until it leaves the volume (if there are atmospheric gizmos specified), or until the accumulated volume transparency falls below a certain cut-off threshold, or until a specified number of maximum steps is reached. For more information, see below.
Step size – Determines the size of one step through the volume. Smaller steps produce more accurate results but are slower to render. In general, dense volumes require smaller step sizes than more transparent volumes.
In practice, step sizes that are two to three times smaller than the Fog distance parameter work well. Texture samples – Determines the number of texture samples for each step through the volume. This allows to sample textures more accurately than the volumetric lighting. It is useful in cases where the textures vary much faster than the lighting itself (e.g. For detailed fractal textures).
Cutoff threshold – Controls when the raymarcher will stop traversing the volume. Autobiografia Di Uno Yogi Pdf Free. If the accumulated volume transparency falls below this threshold, the volume will be considered opaque and tracing will be aborted.
Higher values make the rendering faster but may introduce artifacts. Max steps – Specifies the maximum number of steps through the volume. Gizmo falloff radius – When the fog effect is contained within a gizmo this option allows you to specify a falloff radius for it. This way the fog effect does not have sharp edges at the edges of the gizmo. Gizmo falloff mode – Allows you to chose between two different falloff modes: Multiply by density and Add density to falloff.